Normal course, a terrific fantasy whatever it according to your opinion. Erotic fantasy is an ordinary thing done by men and women.
Research conducted by the "Kinsey Institute" proved, 84 percent of men and 67 percent of women have sexual fantasies. Fantasy is a mental experience that comes from the imagination or it could be because it is stimulated by reading, painting, photo, and others. Most people fantasize about while having sexual relations with a partner, during masturbation, or even when it's not sexual activity.
Other research has ever done 'Hunt' to prove that women and men alike, they generally fantasize about having sex with a loved partner.
However, fantasizing intercourse with someone other than their spouse, even with strangers, also occurs in women and men. Many people also like to imagine having sex with the artist or celebrity they admire.
Not a few people who think having sex with more than one person. Like the story of a woman in a midnight ceremony a private radio station in Jakarta following. "I like to imagine having sex with three men at once. Everything a man I did not know, "she said.
Sexual fantasies can also be in other forms, for example imagine roughly forced to have sex. "I sometimes imagine a man who violently pushing and pinning me to the wall and kissed me passionately," says a friend.
There are times when people fantasize otherwise, that is forcing anyone else to have sex, even fantasize about relationships with other species.
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