This substance, according to the report, the illness can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 50 percent. In addition, there is good news for men. Mayo Clinic research results in the United States in 2001 proved that quacertin, a type of flavonoids contained in apples, may help prevent prostate cancer cell growth.
Following are some of the benefits of apples:
1. Lowering cholesterol levels.
Apples are known contain phytochemicals, antioxidants effective against bad cholesterol, in addition to lowering bad cholesterol, apples also increases good cholesterol (HDL). The content of pectin and acid D - glucaric instrumental in apples help lower bad cholesterol in the body.
2. Preventing lung cancer and healthy - tuberculosis.
Flavonid substances in apples proven to reduce the risk of lung cancer - lung to 50%. Research from Cornell University in the USA also found that phytochemical substances in the skin of apples inhibited the growth of colon cancer by 43%.
3. Preventing heart disease and stroke.
Apples shown to prevent a stroke. Publication of research in Finland (1996) showed that people eating pattern rich in flavonoids have a lower incidence of heart disease.
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