5 Men Muscle Loved by Woman - Women do like men who muscled in the abdomen. But the belly "Six Pack" is not the only part visible. Each woman may have the muscle to be her favorite, but the fifth part of this muscle is frequently observed from men.
1. Abdominal muscles
Tall and strapping may be the first thing seen from the physical man, but if your stomach like a pile of fat, then its appeal is much reduced. Women will think, still young it was muscular, how for 10 years letter :).
2. Forearm
Muscular forearms that can be perceived as a strong man, and could do anything, including minor repair work at home.
3. Buttocks
Women also saw the buttocks of a man to know the man's physical activity levels. If you are fit and love sports, usually the buttocks will look high and tight. Conversely, if you do more sit and laze around, looked sagging buttocks and down.
4. A sturdy shoulder
Shoulder is where women rely on men. Regular exercise will make it look solid and make the overall physical appearance more masculine.
5. The Biceps
In a survey conducted by "Cosmopolitan U.S. magazine", revealed 1 in 5 women admitted that: he will add to the biceps a plus for men he knew.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
6 Food for Muscle Builders | Healthy Food
6 Food for Muscle Builders - Every man must have longed for a perfect body, solid, muscular with six pack abdomen. To get it, of course exercises that focus on strengthening the muscles become the primary key. Do not forget to support them with proper food selection.
Some foods are believed to help the formation of muscle. Here is an excellent food for building muscle, fat control, and keep the body in healthy condition.
1. Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of all healthy diet as it provides a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and fluids. Vegetables contain small amounts of protein.
2. Low-fat milk
Low-fat milk provides high-quality protein, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins such as vitamin D, potassium, and calcium. "Consuming protein drinks such as chocolate milk one hour after exercise will help build muscle and post-exercise recovery," said the researcher.
3. Meat
Meat is a source of protein and iron that carries oxygen to the muscles throughout the body, as well as amino acids including leucine, which plays an important role in triggering muscle growth.
4. Eggs
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines say whether the consumption of eggs every day, including egg yolks. "Eggs contain all the essential amino acids and protein content present in half the egg yolks with other nutrients like lutein for eye health," said the researcher.
5. Nuts
Fresh or boiled peanuts are a good source of protein that also contains vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats.
6. Wheat
Wheat is the quality of carbohydrates that contain small amounts of protein for energy and repair muscles, along with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Some foods are believed to help the formation of muscle. Here is an excellent food for building muscle, fat control, and keep the body in healthy condition.
1. Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of all healthy diet as it provides a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and fluids. Vegetables contain small amounts of protein.
2. Low-fat milk
Low-fat milk provides high-quality protein, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins such as vitamin D, potassium, and calcium. "Consuming protein drinks such as chocolate milk one hour after exercise will help build muscle and post-exercise recovery," said the researcher.
3. Meat
Meat is a source of protein and iron that carries oxygen to the muscles throughout the body, as well as amino acids including leucine, which plays an important role in triggering muscle growth.
4. Eggs
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines say whether the consumption of eggs every day, including egg yolks. "Eggs contain all the essential amino acids and protein content present in half the egg yolks with other nutrients like lutein for eye health," said the researcher.
5. Nuts
Fresh or boiled peanuts are a good source of protein that also contains vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats.
6. Wheat
Wheat is the quality of carbohydrates that contain small amounts of protein for energy and repair muscles, along with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Friday, September 16, 2011
7 Factors Trigger "Back Pain"
7 Factors Trigger "Back Pain" - Back pain is one disease that definitely affects 8 out of 10 adults in his life. Back pain most often occurs because the back muscles stretched or stretched ligaments. But there are times when pain arises just slowly.
Discharging and loading on the discs or cushion the bones over time will lead to changes in the structure or the normal balance. Though the problem of bearings, joints or muscles will cause pain when used moves.
There are several causes of back pain is often not realized.
1. Strenuous exercise on the weekends
Lack of physical activity are risk factors that make a person more susceptible to back pain. This situation is exacerbated by excessive exercise habits only on weekends.
"If we do something heavy, after a whole week more passive activities, we are greatly at risk injuring themselves," said Shamie. He added that high-impact exercise that is done without heating to strengthen the torso (core) will make the muscles do not strongly support the motion carried.
He therefore suggested that at least we did the basic exercises for strengthening the torso 15 minutes every day and heating for the torso and the muscles are more prepared when you exercise more intensely on the weekends.
2. Carrying the child
Holding the child in the back, especially if the child's weight is large enough, will cause tremendous pressure on the spine. Moreover, if the child is a lot of moves, the risk is whiplash.
3. Sitting hunched
Sit with your back arched in a long time will cause the lumbar bone is not propped up so well that the greater the pressure on the discs. "But the greatest pressure on the disc occurs when we are in a sitting position and then in a tilted position about to take something from the floor. Therefore if you want to pick something new once stood crouched down to pick it up," he said.
4. Smoke
Smoking will cause the disc to deteriorate rapidly. Disc or bone bearing this has on the outer fibrous wall that protects the gel in it.
5. Rotating waist
All the movements that involve rotation in the upper abdomen, repeatedly will cause micro-trauma to the lower spine. This damage will accumulate and the risk of causing damage at a later date.
6. Lack of sleep
Spinal disc has no blood vessels so that they are not getting enough nutrients. As a result the disc is more susceptible to crack and dehydration. "Try to sleep enough at least 7 hours every night because at night the disc will be re-hydrated," he said.
7. Soft bed
Bedding that is too soft and curved in the middle will make the bone structure changed.
Discharging and loading on the discs or cushion the bones over time will lead to changes in the structure or the normal balance. Though the problem of bearings, joints or muscles will cause pain when used moves.
There are several causes of back pain is often not realized.
1. Strenuous exercise on the weekends
Lack of physical activity are risk factors that make a person more susceptible to back pain. This situation is exacerbated by excessive exercise habits only on weekends.
"If we do something heavy, after a whole week more passive activities, we are greatly at risk injuring themselves," said Shamie. He added that high-impact exercise that is done without heating to strengthen the torso (core) will make the muscles do not strongly support the motion carried.
He therefore suggested that at least we did the basic exercises for strengthening the torso 15 minutes every day and heating for the torso and the muscles are more prepared when you exercise more intensely on the weekends.
2. Carrying the child
Holding the child in the back, especially if the child's weight is large enough, will cause tremendous pressure on the spine. Moreover, if the child is a lot of moves, the risk is whiplash.
3. Sitting hunched
Sit with your back arched in a long time will cause the lumbar bone is not propped up so well that the greater the pressure on the discs. "But the greatest pressure on the disc occurs when we are in a sitting position and then in a tilted position about to take something from the floor. Therefore if you want to pick something new once stood crouched down to pick it up," he said.
4. Smoke
Smoking will cause the disc to deteriorate rapidly. Disc or bone bearing this has on the outer fibrous wall that protects the gel in it.
5. Rotating waist
All the movements that involve rotation in the upper abdomen, repeatedly will cause micro-trauma to the lower spine. This damage will accumulate and the risk of causing damage at a later date.
6. Lack of sleep
Spinal disc has no blood vessels so that they are not getting enough nutrients. As a result the disc is more susceptible to crack and dehydration. "Try to sleep enough at least 7 hours every night because at night the disc will be re-hydrated," he said.
7. Soft bed
Bedding that is too soft and curved in the middle will make the bone structure changed.
Monday, September 12, 2011
5 Factors Make Sex More Passionate
1. Geography
U.S. study finds data, Americans have sex about 120 times a year. The same study said 63 percent of respondents still want more frequent sex.
However, geographical factors were also influencing the frequency of sex in America. If you want more frequent sex, living in the northeastern United States, is more likely. People who live in this region have sex more often, about 130 times a year. They are also more likely to use condoms during sex. While those living in the south have sex less frequently, on average 114 times per year.
2. Healthy Relationships
Couples who have healthy relationships, keeping commitments, build positive households have more sexual satisfaction. Although the frequency of sex is not too often, but such couples are more satisfied with their sex lives.
3. Location
Sexual intercourse not only must be done in bed. Location can also affect sex couples. According to research in the United States, 48 percent said more passionate sex in the car. While 33 percent said the passionate lovemaking on a bed of others, for example at a friend's house.
The more unusual the location, the higher sexual arousal. As many as 33 percent of men admitted to imagine having sex on the plane. While 26 percent of women want to make love somewhere on the beach or sea.
4. Gender Differences
Trojan Findings also mentions, 83 percent of men tend to want to experiment with sex, and only 65 percent of women who want the same thing.
Men like to discuss sex with Facebook or Twitter, about 15 percent. While only six percent of women who want to discuss about sex through social media.
5. Sexting
Excite chat by phone or send messages through the communication device section, it is also a potent arousing. In general, 19 percent of Americans like sexting like this.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Pregnancy Risks in Mature Age
Pregnancy Risks in Mature Age - Not a few couples who choose to delay having a baby to a career and more established financially. True that pregnancy is necessary to plan, but the pregnancy at the age of maturity have a high risk.
Opportunities pregnant at the age of 35 years is smaller, because the number of ovum is reduced. Liked or not, but every woman born with a whole ovum has, and one by one will be issued every month during menstruation.
According to "Dr.Prashant Nadkarni" Fertility Center of Kuala Lumpur, the age of a woman's fertility begins to decline at age 35. "Pregnancy should not be delayed too long, because the age will reduce the risk of fertilization success," he said.
Pregnancy at the ripe old age also increases the risk of miscarriage and babies born with abnormalities, given the quality of the chromosomes and the ovum is no longer as good at a young age.
He explained: today the world is facing a crisis of fertility, even in the most populous country like China. "But this is not a serious issue and the experts do not see it as a disease," he said.
In Asia, 80 percent of people estimated to suffer from infertility. Some countries are facing the most severe fertility problems were Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao.
Beyond the age at marriage are increasingly shifted, Nadkarni said there are many factors that cause a decrease in fertility, such as lifestyle, health, and environmental pollution.
Experts say obesity is a major cause of excessive difficulty many couples conceive. Ideally, body mass index for women is between 19-24.
Male sperm count is also influenced by body weight. "Unhealthy lifestyles, such as frequent alcohol consumption and smoking also reduce sperm count," he said.
Opportunities pregnant at the age of 35 years is smaller, because the number of ovum is reduced. Liked or not, but every woman born with a whole ovum has, and one by one will be issued every month during menstruation.
According to "Dr.Prashant Nadkarni" Fertility Center of Kuala Lumpur, the age of a woman's fertility begins to decline at age 35. "Pregnancy should not be delayed too long, because the age will reduce the risk of fertilization success," he said.
Pregnancy at the ripe old age also increases the risk of miscarriage and babies born with abnormalities, given the quality of the chromosomes and the ovum is no longer as good at a young age.
He explained: today the world is facing a crisis of fertility, even in the most populous country like China. "But this is not a serious issue and the experts do not see it as a disease," he said.
In Asia, 80 percent of people estimated to suffer from infertility. Some countries are facing the most severe fertility problems were Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao.
Beyond the age at marriage are increasingly shifted, Nadkarni said there are many factors that cause a decrease in fertility, such as lifestyle, health, and environmental pollution.
Experts say obesity is a major cause of excessive difficulty many couples conceive. Ideally, body mass index for women is between 19-24.
Male sperm count is also influenced by body weight. "Unhealthy lifestyles, such as frequent alcohol consumption and smoking also reduce sperm count," he said.
Vaccinations No Need Repeated At Teens
Children who had received hepatitis B vaccine, at the age of 0-5 years, no need to re-vaccinated at the age of 15-21 years. Hepatitis B vaccine capable of protecting the body for 20-25 years. This is true for healthy children and have a normal immune system, and able to form antibodies after vaccination.
Thus the results of research Gunardi Hartono, a pediatrician, for his doctoral dissertation. He examined 213 respondents from a number of high schools and universities in Jakarta. They were aged 15-21 years, and ever received hepatitis B vaccine during childhood.
Hartono defend his dissertation in front of the test team at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (8/9), and graduated with a GPA of 3.92.
Hartono suggest, infants of mothers who have hepatitis B vaccinated immediately. For children over age 5 year, who have never been vaccinated and are members of families affected by chronic hepatitis B, it must be checked. If he had not been infected with hepatitis B virus, he must be immediately vaccinated. If already infected, immunization is of no use. Their bodies were expected to form antibodies that can resist the virus.
According to Hartono, children aged under one year susceptible to viral hepatitis B. Those who get the virus at an early age at risk of experiencing chronic liver disease which can lead to liver cirrhosis and cancer.
The problem, in children aged under one year, only 10 percent showed symptoms, such as weakness, lethargy, no appetite, eyes and yellow skin, yellow urine and pale feces. Most of the symptoms is unknown so the disease progresses rapidly.
"The sooner attacked by the hepatitis B virus,chronic liver disease the potential becomes even greater, because the immune system has not evolved," he said.
Professor of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine "Agus Firmansyah" Hartono said the promoter, hepatitis B is a serious global health problem. Indonesia including hepatitis B endemic areas with a prevalence of 9.4 percent.

Hartono defend his dissertation in front of the test team at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (8/9), and graduated with a GPA of 3.92.
Hartono suggest, infants of mothers who have hepatitis B vaccinated immediately. For children over age 5 year, who have never been vaccinated and are members of families affected by chronic hepatitis B, it must be checked. If he had not been infected with hepatitis B virus, he must be immediately vaccinated. If already infected, immunization is of no use. Their bodies were expected to form antibodies that can resist the virus.
According to Hartono, children aged under one year susceptible to viral hepatitis B. Those who get the virus at an early age at risk of experiencing chronic liver disease which can lead to liver cirrhosis and cancer.
The problem, in children aged under one year, only 10 percent showed symptoms, such as weakness, lethargy, no appetite, eyes and yellow skin, yellow urine and pale feces. Most of the symptoms is unknown so the disease progresses rapidly.
"The sooner attacked by the hepatitis B virus,chronic liver disease the potential becomes even greater, because the immune system has not evolved," he said.
Professor of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine "Agus Firmansyah" Hartono said the promoter, hepatitis B is a serious global health problem. Indonesia including hepatitis B endemic areas with a prevalence of 9.4 percent.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Types of Food as Destroyer of Fat
Some foods that act as the destroyer of fat.
Here are some types of foods that contain fiber to destroy the fat:
Green grass jelly
Contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, vitamins A and B. 100 grams of green grass jelly contains 6.23 grams of crude fiber, adequate to meet daily fiber needs. Another benefit, which was to reduce heartburn, lowers blood pressure, relieve dysentery, mouth sores, ulcers, and fever.
Agar-agar, made from seaweed, contain water-soluble food fiber. Properties that are soluble fiber foods is its ability to lower blood cholesterol concentrations so as to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.
Black grass jelly
Traditionally believed to be a hot reliever, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, digestive disorders prevention and lowering blood pressure.
Green tea
Contains polyphenols, high doses of antioxidants effectively combat free radicals. Polyphenol compounds help keep blood vessels from a contraction that could potentially raise blood pressure, also helps reduce the risk of cancer, as well as effective for weight loss.
Rosella tea
Research shows, rosella contains betasitosterol which have chemical structures similar to cholesterol. Its function inhibits the absorption of cholesterol.
Consumption of one liter of rosella tea before breakfast for four weeks is also capable of lowering blood pressure low and medium levels. Power works almost the same as anti-hypertensive drug commercial.
Here are some types of foods that contain fiber to destroy the fat:
Contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, vitamins A and B. 100 grams of green grass jelly contains 6.23 grams of crude fiber, adequate to meet daily fiber needs. Another benefit, which was to reduce heartburn, lowers blood pressure, relieve dysentery, mouth sores, ulcers, and fever.
Agar-agar, made from seaweed, contain water-soluble food fiber. Properties that are soluble fiber foods is its ability to lower blood cholesterol concentrations so as to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.
Black grass jelly
Traditionally believed to be a hot reliever, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, digestive disorders prevention and lowering blood pressure.
Green tea
Contains polyphenols, high doses of antioxidants effectively combat free radicals. Polyphenol compounds help keep blood vessels from a contraction that could potentially raise blood pressure, also helps reduce the risk of cancer, as well as effective for weight loss.
Rosella tea
Research shows, rosella contains betasitosterol which have chemical structures similar to cholesterol. Its function inhibits the absorption of cholesterol.
Consumption of one liter of rosella tea before breakfast for four weeks is also capable of lowering blood pressure low and medium levels. Power works almost the same as anti-hypertensive drug commercial.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Effect of Diabetes Disease to Brain
Effect of Diabetes Disease to Brain - Diabetes mellitus have effect to all part of body, even the brain. The latest research shows that diabetes mellitus can late the function of mental and can arise the risk of Alzheimer diseases. The Complication occur in brain is only one of the argument why we must control the Diabetes
The Scientist actually not know yet clearly how the diabetes type 2 can effect the brain, cause have any factors that mixed up with.
"the level of blood sugar may be directly impact to nerve cells. This is also trigger the broken at large or small blood vessels. Others effect are reduce the oxygen intake to brain, So it's can trigger the risk of stroke," said Alan Jacobson, a professor at Harvard medical school.
Diabetes mellitus begins with insulin resistance in which fat, muscle and liver cells are unable to use insulin. At first the reaction was pancreas responds by pumping more insulin.
The same enzyme that break the insulin also break the protein that mention by beta-amyloid, which form abnormally at brain of Alzheimer sufferer. As much as enzyme that work break the insulin as much as accumulation of beta-amyloid.
The Scientist actually not know yet clearly how the diabetes type 2 can effect the brain, cause have any factors that mixed up with.
"the level of blood sugar may be directly impact to nerve cells. This is also trigger the broken at large or small blood vessels. Others effect are reduce the oxygen intake to brain, So it's can trigger the risk of stroke," said Alan Jacobson, a professor at Harvard medical school.
Diabetes mellitus begins with insulin resistance in which fat, muscle and liver cells are unable to use insulin. At first the reaction was pancreas responds by pumping more insulin.
The same enzyme that break the insulin also break the protein that mention by beta-amyloid, which form abnormally at brain of Alzheimer sufferer. As much as enzyme that work break the insulin as much as accumulation of beta-amyloid.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Sleep Position Influence Skin Beauty
Sleep Position Influence Skin Beauty - If we ask Patricia Farris, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine, about how the best sleeping position, Farris will answer, supine position better than his stomach. Because, face down or sideways position can affect the formation of wrinkles on the face and eyes. This position could cause scratches or lines that permanent imprint on the skin.
So what if we're used to sleep on our stomach or side? Try changing the material from the pillow with satin. The texture of fabrics such as silk satin smooth facial skin can free from wrinkles. Then, use blankets as well that we are more relaxed and the body temperature is always warm. This condition will make us better quality sleep so that the hormone melatonin is more effective for the skin.
In addition, sleeping position, we must also consider the pillows that we use. Keep your head higher than the heart while sleeping. The goal, so when awake, the eye does not look puffy.
Do not forget to apply the correct sleeping position is. After that, see how it changes our skin.
So what if we're used to sleep on our stomach or side? Try changing the material from the pillow with satin. The texture of fabrics such as silk satin smooth facial skin can free from wrinkles. Then, use blankets as well that we are more relaxed and the body temperature is always warm. This condition will make us better quality sleep so that the hormone melatonin is more effective for the skin.
In addition, sleeping position, we must also consider the pillows that we use. Keep your head higher than the heart while sleeping. The goal, so when awake, the eye does not look puffy.
"The position where the head parallel to the heart during sleep, will make the flow of blood to accumulate on the face,"Farris completed.
Do not forget to apply the correct sleeping position is. After that, see how it changes our skin.
Food that Function as Fat Destroyer
Food that Function as Fat Destroyer - Lebaran synonymous with good food that is fat-laden because of using coconut milk in the processing process. Be careful, these fats raise blood cholesterol levels potential. Balance with intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals to keep the body healthy.
After Lebaran, many people complained about her weight is increasing, despite the reduced portions of carbohydrates. "An explanation of why weight gain is simple. One gram of carbohydrate produces only 4 calories, while 1 gram of fat 9 calories. That's what makes the body more weight," said Ir.Asih Setiarini, MSC, School of Public Health University of Indonesia.
Lebaran dishes are generally high in fat and calories, but less fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whereas the consumption of fat can continuously improve blood cholesterol. These conditions lead to plaque in blood vessels that would increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
The body still needs the fiber, in addition to vitamins and minerals, which can be obtained from the following foodstuffs:
Black grass jelly
Traditionally believed to be a hot reliever, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, digestive disorders prevention and lowering blood pressure.
Material for agar-agar, the seaweed, contain water-soluble food fiber. Properties that are soluble fiber foods is its ability to lower blood cholesterol concentrations so as to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.
Green tea
Contains polyphenols, high doses of antioxidants effectively combat free radicals. Polyphenol compounds help keep blood vessels from a contraction that could potentially raise blood pressure, also helps reduce the risk of cancer, as well as effective for weight loss.
Green grass jelly
Contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, vitamins A and B. 100 grams of green grass jelly contains 6.23 grams of crude fiber, adequate to meet daily fiber needs. Another benefit, which was to reduce heartburn, lowers blood pressure, relieve dysentery, mouth sores, ulcers, and fever.
Rosella tea
Research shows, rosella contains betasitosterol which have chemical structures similar to cholesterol. Its function inhibits the absorption of cholesterol. Consumption of 1 liter of rosella tea before breakfast for 4 weeks also capable of lowering blood pressure low and medium levels. Power works almost the same as commercial antihypertensive drugs.
After Lebaran, many people complained about her weight is increasing, despite the reduced portions of carbohydrates. "An explanation of why weight gain is simple. One gram of carbohydrate produces only 4 calories, while 1 gram of fat 9 calories. That's what makes the body more weight," said Ir.Asih Setiarini, MSC, School of Public Health University of Indonesia.
Lebaran dishes are generally high in fat and calories, but less fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whereas the consumption of fat can continuously improve blood cholesterol. These conditions lead to plaque in blood vessels that would increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
The body still needs the fiber, in addition to vitamins and minerals, which can be obtained from the following foodstuffs:
Black grass jelly
Traditionally believed to be a hot reliever, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, digestive disorders prevention and lowering blood pressure.
Material for agar-agar, the seaweed, contain water-soluble food fiber. Properties that are soluble fiber foods is its ability to lower blood cholesterol concentrations so as to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.
Green tea
Contains polyphenols, high doses of antioxidants effectively combat free radicals. Polyphenol compounds help keep blood vessels from a contraction that could potentially raise blood pressure, also helps reduce the risk of cancer, as well as effective for weight loss.
Green grass jelly
Contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, vitamins A and B. 100 grams of green grass jelly contains 6.23 grams of crude fiber, adequate to meet daily fiber needs. Another benefit, which was to reduce heartburn, lowers blood pressure, relieve dysentery, mouth sores, ulcers, and fever.
Rosella tea
Research shows, rosella contains betasitosterol which have chemical structures similar to cholesterol. Its function inhibits the absorption of cholesterol. Consumption of 1 liter of rosella tea before breakfast for 4 weeks also capable of lowering blood pressure low and medium levels. Power works almost the same as commercial antihypertensive drugs.
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