IN general, food that was served on the day of Idul Fitri is a special food. Opor Call it chicken, goat curry, rendang, pastries and wet, and others. But generally the foods that contain lots of fat.
What happened on the day of Idul Fitri is a lot of people eat foods that contain fat. As there is a tendency "revenge" for not being able to enjoy such foods during Ramadan. "And the food (fat) is usually mostly made from coconut milk," said dr Prasna Pramita SpPD.
It is not wrong you eat fatty foods. Why? Because the body needs fat. "Functions for giving coating on human bone-shaped so that," continued Dr. Prasna. New will be a problem if the excessive fat consumed. If you have excessive fat deposition could occur in the body. And this makes the liver cells work harder to produce bile.
Just to note, in bile-green-brown. Bile plays a role in the process of absorption of fat and some vitamins such as A, D, E and K. "Because the fat is usually a lot. Importance of bile in digestion especially the absorption of fat, "said dr Prasna. The liquid stored in the gallbladder bile is stored in the gallbladder which lies below the liver. Shaped like a pear. Gallbladder accommodate as many as 50 ml of bile. Length is about 70-10 cm. These organs are connected with the liver and duodenum through the bile ducts.
Well, what happens when we consume food containing fat was excessive? Will occur or the birth of many diseases. One of them is gallstones.
"Well, if people have already had the talent, already have cholesterol, there will be more piles of cholesterol. And so could spark gallstones. Tendensinya could have up to 30 percent, "said Dr. Prasna. Gallstones can form due to increased cholesterol levels in the body and the heart can no longer issue them.
Gallstones are formed gradually. First, the excreted cholesterol that can not be settled. "As is usually the gall wall thickening also occur. And that if in-ultrasound visible thickening occurs, "continued Dr. Prasna. It triggers chemical changes in the bile. This change is called gallstones.
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