Prevent Stroke by Arrange The Food - Prevent is better then cure [proverb]. If the disease still can do the prevention, we must effort for many ways. One of the ways is by arranging the eating pattern or food.
Stroke is caused by blockage at artery that aim to brain, it's have risk of disturbing of blood current. Or also stroke disease caused by embolism. stroke iskemik or blockage happen at 80% stroke case. While stroke hemoragic or embolish in brain is the cause of 20% of stroke.
The risk stroke factor include smoking, Hypertension, Heart disease, Diabetes, and high cholesterol. Lifestyle be a possible factor in attacked by stroke or not, even consume the food that usually low cholesterol.
Below are ways to lowering cholesterol risk from arrange the eating pattern. But, more interest if you wanna to consult to your doctors.
Step 1
Reduce the salt consumption for lowering the blood pressure, if you buy any food, dont forget for paying attention to see salt level in food.
Step 2
Reduce consume of calorie if you one of the overweight, Obesity is really near with diabetes and heart disease. Both of them are the heart risk factors, Best for you for eat whole grain, meat without fat, fruits, vegetables, healthy fat like olive oil.
Reduce eating food that contain saturate fat for controlling cholesterol. Avoid fat meat, fast food, milk product with high fatty
Step 4
Reduce consume the smooth sugar, it's useful to control blood sugar, limit the soda, cake, chewing gum, ice cream and others that can break the insulin in blood.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Carrots Makes Your Skin Look Beautiful
Carrots Makes Your Skin Look Beautiful - A new study says, someone who consume lots of vegetables of certain kinds, tend to have more attractive skin tones and healthy. Really?
Carrots contain yellow pigments called carotenoids. These substances play a key role to create beautiful skin, healthy and glowing.
As quoted by Times of India, Ian Stephen, scientists from St Andrews and Bristol U describes only two months of the consumption of vegetables and fruits were already visible results in skin.
Stephen hopes this finding could be a new strategy of encouraging young people to be more interested in eating vegetables and fruits. Regardless of the intention to beautify the skin, carrot consumption will also improve the quality of health in general.
Healthy and beautiful skin to be short-term benefits of increased consumption of vegetables and fruits. While the habit of eating vegetables and fruits in the long run, serve to prevent many serious diseases such as heart.
"It is important to advise young people to eat healthy, to avoid a heart attack at age 40 years," said Stephen.
Carrots contain yellow pigments called carotenoids. These substances play a key role to create beautiful skin, healthy and glowing.
As quoted by Times of India, Ian Stephen, scientists from St Andrews and Bristol U describes only two months of the consumption of vegetables and fruits were already visible results in skin.
Stephen hopes this finding could be a new strategy of encouraging young people to be more interested in eating vegetables and fruits. Regardless of the intention to beautify the skin, carrot consumption will also improve the quality of health in general.
Healthy and beautiful skin to be short-term benefits of increased consumption of vegetables and fruits. While the habit of eating vegetables and fruits in the long run, serve to prevent many serious diseases such as heart.
"It is important to advise young people to eat healthy, to avoid a heart attack at age 40 years," said Stephen.
Benefits of Garlic For Health
Benefits of Garlic For Health - Garlic has long been recognized that the people of Indonesia. Besides commonly used for flavoring dishes, also has many health benefits for humans.
Plants that are commonly used as an ingredient in various traditional medicine is known to have more than 100 biologically useful chemicals. Garlic also has antibacterial properties, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant.
Well, here are some properties of garlic are legendary for health:
1. Studies show that taking 600 mg of garlic per day will lower cholesterol levels dramatically.
2. The ability of garlic to fight infection and bacteria making it the subject of an effective treatment to overcome the warts and other skin problems.
3. Garlic is also a powerful aphrodisiac because it helps increase blood circulation which helps erection.
4. Garlic regulate blood sugar levels by increasing release of insulin in diabetics.
5. Garlic has antibacterial and anesthetic properties that can help cure a toothache.
Tag: Garlic benefit of garlic garlic efficacy garlic for health
Plants that are commonly used as an ingredient in various traditional medicine is known to have more than 100 biologically useful chemicals. Garlic also has antibacterial properties, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant.
Well, here are some properties of garlic are legendary for health:
1. Studies show that taking 600 mg of garlic per day will lower cholesterol levels dramatically.
2. The ability of garlic to fight infection and bacteria making it the subject of an effective treatment to overcome the warts and other skin problems.
3. Garlic is also a powerful aphrodisiac because it helps increase blood circulation which helps erection.
4. Garlic regulate blood sugar levels by increasing release of insulin in diabetics.
5. Garlic has antibacterial and anesthetic properties that can help cure a toothache.
Tag: Garlic benefit of garlic garlic efficacy garlic for health
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Avoid Eating Ice Cream When Menstruation
Avoid Eating Ice Cream When Menstruation - Cramping and pain are common in women who are menstruating. But you should avoid eating ice cream during menstruation. Why?
Dairy products including ice cream can increase the pain or menstrual cramps. Ice-cream milk and other foods containing omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid, which can exacerbate inflammation (inflammation) and increased release of prostaglandins that cause cramps, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Sunday (08/21/2011).
Prostaglandins are chemical in cells that can cause muscle contraction. Menstrual cramps occur when the uterus contracts to expel the excess blood, and tissues that are formed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Increased levels of prostaglandins cause diarrhea and cramps. Arachidonic acid, unsaturated fatty acids omage-6 in the ice cream can increase the production of prostaglandins.
Arachidonic acid (AA) such as omega-6 fatty acids, can activate the inflammatory reaction is needed to fight pathogens. The body synthesizes prostaglandin series-2 from AA. If you eat foods high in AA, you may form a series-2 prostaglandins excessively. Avoid "dairy products" can prevent this.
Read previous post coffee powder can prevent cancer risk
Dairy products including ice cream can increase the pain or menstrual cramps. Ice-cream milk and other foods containing omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid, which can exacerbate inflammation (inflammation) and increased release of prostaglandins that cause cramps, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Sunday (08/21/2011).
Prostaglandins are chemical in cells that can cause muscle contraction. Menstrual cramps occur when the uterus contracts to expel the excess blood, and tissues that are formed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Increased levels of prostaglandins cause diarrhea and cramps. Arachidonic acid, unsaturated fatty acids omage-6 in the ice cream can increase the production of prostaglandins.
Arachidonic acid (AA) such as omega-6 fatty acids, can activate the inflammatory reaction is needed to fight pathogens. The body synthesizes prostaglandin series-2 from AA. If you eat foods high in AA, you may form a series-2 prostaglandins excessively. Avoid "dairy products" can prevent this.
Read previous post coffee powder can prevent cancer risk
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Coffee Powder Can Prevent Cancer Risk
Coffee Powder Can Prevent Cancer Risk - One more research show that coffee is the plant that have many benefits for our health. Latest research in America has identified that drink coffee or even use the coffee powder in skin can prevent skin from cancer risk.
The research that done by Dr Allan conney from rutgers university in new jersey AS has showed, caffeine in coffee can help prevent appear the skin cancer, non-melanoma by kill cells that broke and possible to be tumor.
Many research before have identified that drink a cup of coffee contain caffeine every day have effect to press the enzim ATR and trigger the dead of cells that broke by shine of UV shine.
Conney and his team able confirm their hypothesis that coffee which contain caffeine (drink or use in skin) able work to prevent the ATR. the next research needed for looking how the same theory may also for human benefits.
"we want to see, is caffeine have effect at human, if gave by scale," said conney, that publish his research in journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
And then he add any more that caffeine be the weapon in prevention because have ability to prevetn ATR and also act as sun screen that absorb the Ultraviolet that bitten us.
The research that done by Dr Allan conney from rutgers university in new jersey AS has showed, caffeine in coffee can help prevent appear the skin cancer, non-melanoma by kill cells that broke and possible to be tumor.
Many research before have identified that drink a cup of coffee contain caffeine every day have effect to press the enzim ATR and trigger the dead of cells that broke by shine of UV shine.
Conney and his team able confirm their hypothesis that coffee which contain caffeine (drink or use in skin) able work to prevent the ATR. the next research needed for looking how the same theory may also for human benefits.
"we want to see, is caffeine have effect at human, if gave by scale," said conney, that publish his research in journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
And then he add any more that caffeine be the weapon in prevention because have ability to prevetn ATR and also act as sun screen that absorb the Ultraviolet that bitten us.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Rare skin infection, caused by Tato
Rare skin infection, caused by Tato - A rare bacterial infection and resistance to antibiotics found in two people that justdo tattoos. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the infection usually found in people who suffer from immune system disorders.
Bacterial infections of the skin was triggered by the bacterium Mycobacterium haemophilium that are still one family with the bacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy. Symptoms of illness include a small swelling at the site of infection, redness, pain, swelling, and peeling.
Because the disease is relatively rare, tattoo enthusiasts are asked not to worry. However, encouraged to choose a tattoo that gave priority to hygiene and the use of sterile equipment.
Meagen Kay from the CDC revealed: the bacteria that infected, probably because the skin is injured by a tattoo needle because both men have a normal immune system. As is known, the skin is a bulwark against infection.
Bacterial infections are also resistant to various antibiotics including ordinary. Healing time was reached a month. (M05-11)
Previous post
Bacterial infections of the skin was triggered by the bacterium Mycobacterium haemophilium that are still one family with the bacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy. Symptoms of illness include a small swelling at the site of infection, redness, pain, swelling, and peeling.
Because the disease is relatively rare, tattoo enthusiasts are asked not to worry. However, encouraged to choose a tattoo that gave priority to hygiene and the use of sterile equipment.
Meagen Kay from the CDC revealed: the bacteria that infected, probably because the skin is injured by a tattoo needle because both men have a normal immune system. As is known, the skin is a bulwark against infection.
Bacterial infections are also resistant to various antibiotics including ordinary. Healing time was reached a month. (M05-11)
Previous post
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What you wanted to know about Dengue fever
What is Dengue fever (DF)? What are Dengue haemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome?
Dengue [pronounced Den' gee] infection is caused by a virus. There are 4 types of Dengue viruses,namely DENV 1, DENV 2, DENV 3, and DENV 4. It occurs commonly as dengue fever. Occasionally the patient suffering from dengue may develop bleeding. Common sites for bleeding are nose, gums or skin. Sometimes, the patient may have coffee ground vomiting or black stools. This indicates bleeding in gastro intestinal tracts and it is serious. The patient with dengue who has bleeding has dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF ). Rarely the patient suffering from dengue may develop shock because of low blood pressure, then it is called dengue shock syndrome ( DSS). DHF and DSS are common in persons who had a previous infection with another type of Dengue virus.
How do one get infected with Dengue virus?
The Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the most important transmitter or vector of dengue viruses, although many of the recent outbreaks were transmitted by Aedes albopictus. It is estimated that there are over 100 million cases of dengue worldwide each year.
Aedes aegypti has a peculiar white spotted body and legs and is easy to recognize even by laymen. It breeds in clean water and has a flight range of only 100 – 200 metres.The mosquito gets the Dengue virus after biting a human being infected with dengue virus.
When does dengue develop after getting the infection?
After the entry of the virus in the person, it multiplies in the lymph glands in the body. The symptoms develop when the virus has multiplied in sufficient numbers to cause the symptoms. This happens generally about 4-6 days ( average) after getting infected with the virus.
Can people suffer from dengue and not appear ill?
Yes. There are many people who are infected with the virus and do not suffer from any signs or symptoms of the disease. For every patient with symptoms and signs there may be 4-5 persons with no symptoms or with very mild symptoms.
When should I suspect Dengue?
Dengue should be suspected when you have sudden onset of fever WITHOUT cough,cold,pain on urination etc. The fever is high 103-105 degrees F or 39-40 degrees C. It is accompanied with severe headache (mostly in the forehead), pain behind the eyes, body aches and pains, rash on the skin and nausea or vomiting. The fever lasts for 5-7 days. In some patients, fever comes down on 3rd or 4th day but comes back. All the above symptoms and signs may not be present in the patient. The patient feels much discomfort after the illness.
How does Dengue fever differ from other type of fevers?
Fever is usually abrupt in onset and very high.There wont be any running nose,cough etc.Slowly rising fever peaking only in few days time is unlikely to be Dengue fever.The characteristics of dengue that make it different from other causes of fever are the pain behind the eyes, severe pains in the muscles, severe bone and joint pains, and skin rashes. These features make the diagnosis of suspected Dengue likely. Even though there is joint pains there wont be any joint swellings as in Chikungunya fever.The severe bone pains caused by DF is the reason why DF is also called break-bone fever.
Generally, younger children and those with their first dengue infection have a milder illness than older children and adults.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is characterized by a fever that lasts from 2 to 7 days, with general signs and symptoms consistent with dengue fever. When the fever declines, symptoms including persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing, may develop. This marks the beginning of a 24- to 48-hour period when the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) become excessively permeable (“leaky”), allowing the fluid component to escape from the blood vessels into the peritoneum (causing ascites) and pleural cavity (leading to pleural effusions). This may lead to failure of the circulatory system and shock [lack of blood supply/oxygen to tissues], followed by death, if circulatory failure is not corrected. In addition, the patient with DHF has a low platelet count and hemorrhagic manifestations, tendency to bruise easily or other types of skin hemorrhages, bleeding nose or gums, and possibly internal bleeding.
How is the diagnosis of dengue is confirmed?
There are laboratory tests that provide direct or indirect evidence for dengue fever. These tests provide evidence for the occurrence of dengue infection. There are some additional tests that can help to identify the type of dengue infection. The tests for confirmation of Dengue should be done in reliable laboratories.
The method used for diagnosis varies depending on its availability,cost, speed of obtaining the result and reliability. It also very much depend on when during the course of the disease blood sample is taken.
Can dengue fever be treated at home?
Most patients with dengue fever can be treated at home. They should take rest, drink plenty of fluids that are available at home and eat nutritious diet. Whenever available, Oral Rehydration Salt/ORS (commonly used in treating diarrhoea) is preferable. Sufficient fluid intake is very important and becomes more important in case DF progresses into DHF or DSS where loss of body fluid / blood is the most salient feature.It is important to look for danger signs and contact the doctor as soon as any one or more of these are found.
What is the treatment?
Like most viral diseases dengue fever can subside on its own.Paracetamol is the main stay to reduce fever.Pain killers/anti inflammatory agents like Aspirin/Brufen should be avoided since they can increase the risk of bleeding.. Antibiotics do not help. Doctors should be very careful when prescribing medicines. Any medicines that decrease platelets should be avoided.
Symptomatic management is the main stay of treatment.
When should a patient suffering from Dengue go to the hospital or consult a doctor?
Generally the progress towards dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome occur after 3-5 days of fever. At this time, fever has often come down. This may mislead many of us to believe that the patient is heading towards recovery. In fact, this is the most dangerous period that requires high vigilance from care-givers. The signs and symptoms that should be looked for are severe pain in the abdomen, persistent vomiting, bleeding from any site like, bleeding in the skin appearing as small red or purplish spots, nose bleed, bleeding from gums, passage of black stools like coal tar. Bring the patient to the hospital whenever the first two signs, namely, severe pain in the abdomen and persistent vomiting are detected. Usually it is too late if we wait until bleeding has occurred.
The most dangerous type of dengue is the dengue shock syndrome. It is recognized by signs like excessive thirst, pale and cold skin (due to very low blood pressure), restlessness and a feeling of weakness.
The infection can become dangerous since it may cause damage to the blood vessels. The damage may range from increased permeability of the blood vessels, causing leakage of blood fluid/plasma into various organs to completely broken blood vessels that causes bleeding.The symptoms and signs of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome are related to damage to the blood vessels and derangement in functioning in components of blood that help it to clot. Mortality in DSS is around 1-5%.
What should the doctors treating dengue do ?
Patients suspected to be suffering from dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome should be admitted to a hospital without delay.
The progress of these patients should be monitored regularly at 1-2 hours interval.
Platelet counts and haematocrits should be monitored repeatedly to review the progress of patients.
If the haematocrit levels fall dangerously then a blood transfusion should be considered. A fall of more than 20 % as compared to previous levels may be an indication for transfusion.
If the haematocrit values rise the patient should be given fluids intravenously and the fluids carefully monitored to ensure that the patient does not get excess fluids. A rise of Hematocrit more than 20 % as compared to previous levels may be an indication for IV fluids. The doctor should decide based on best judgement of patient's condition.
What should the doctors treating dengue avoid?
Do not prescribe aspirin and brufen or any other medicine that reduces the platelets or increases the tendency to bleed.
Avoid giving too much IV fluids unless the patient is bleeding or the haematocrit level is rising progressively.
Avoid rushing into giving blood transfusion unless the haematocrit is falling dangerously. Do not give platelet transfusion unless the platelet count is very low or unless there is bleeding.
Can you get dengue again after suffering from it once?
It is possible to get dengue more than once. Dengue can occur because of 4 different but related strains of dengue virus. If a person has suffered from one virus, there can be a repeat occurrence of dengue if a different strain is involved subsequently. Being affected by one strain offers no protection against the others. Recovery from infection by one provides lifelong immunity against that virus but confers only partial and transient protection against subsequent infection by the other three viruses. There is good evidence that sequential infection increases the risk of developing DHF because this partial immunity produces severe immune reaction in the body.
What is the Global incidence of dengue?
The incidence of dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. It is a disease of the tropical and sub-tropical regions Some 2.5 billion people – two fifths of the world's population – are now at risk from dengue. WHO currently estimates there may be 50 million dengue infections worldwide every year.The disease is now endemic in more than 100 countries Before 1970 only nine countries had experienced DHF epidemics, a number that had increased more than four-fold by 1995.
Where does the mosquito that spreads dengue live?
What is the incidence and mortality of DHF?
An estimated 500 000 people with DHF require hospitalization each year, a very large proportion of whom are children and young adult. About 2.5% of those affected die.
Why there is an increasing incidence of severe Dengue infection World-wide?
Rapid and disorganised Urbanisation,poor solid waste management and lack of running water, leading to storage of water in households etc are some of the factors that is causing an enormous increase in Dengue infections.
The highly domestic mosquito Aedes aegypti rests indoors, in closets and other dark places. Outside it rests where it is cool and shaded. The female mosquito lays her eggs in water containers in and around the homes, and other dwellings. These eggs will develop, become larvae, and further develop into adults in about 10 days.
How can the multiplication of mosquitoes be reduced?
Dengue mosquitoes breed in stored, exposed water collections. Favoured places for breeding are barrels, drums, jars, pots, buckets, flower vases, plant saucers, tanks, discarded bottles, tins, tyres, water coolers etc.
To prevent the mosquitoes from multiplying, drain out the water from desert coolers/window air coolers (when not in use), tanks, barrels, drums, buckets etc. Remove all objects containing water (e.g. plant saucers etc.) from the house. Collect and destroy discarded containers in which water collects e.g. bottles, plastic bags, tins, used tyres etc.
In case it is not possible to drain out various water collections or to fully cover them, use TEMEPHOS, an insecticide, ( brand name Abate) 1 part per million according to the local guidelines to prevent larvae from developing into adults.
How can I prevent mosquito bites to prevent dengue?
There is no way to tell if a mosquito is carrying the dengue virus. Therefore, people must protect themselves from all mosquito bites.
Dengue mosquitoes bite during the day time throughout the day. Highest biting intensity is about 2 hours after sunrise and before sunset.
Wear full sleeves clothes and long dresses to cover as much of your body as possible.
Use repellents- be careful in using them in young children and old people. Use mosquito coils and electric vapour mats during the daytime also to prevent dengue.
Use mosquito nets to protect children, old people and others who may rest during the day. The effectiveness of these nets can be improved by treating them with permethrin (pyrethroid insecticide). This bed-net is called Insecticide Treated Nets and are widely used in the prevention of malaria.
Is there any advice for the patient with dengue fever to prevent the spread of the disease to others?
The spread of dengue from a patient to others is possible. The patient should be protected from contact with the mosquito. This can be achieved by ensuring that the patient sleeps under a bed-net. Effective mosquito repellents are used where the patient is being provided care. This will prevent the mosquito from biting the patient and from getting infected and spreading it to others.
I am sure there will be many more questions about Dengue fever. Feel free to ask them in the comments column of this post.I will try my best to answer.
This post is dedicated to all those who tragically succumbed to Dengue infection and their families, especially to this young woman. blogger .
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Coconut Water, Natural Isotonic
Coconut Water, Natural Isotonic - As long as Ramadhan, coconut water is a fresh drinks that mostly looking for when breaking the fast. In addition fresh, the fact of this coconut water is the natural isotonic drinks. According to the Agriculture Agency (FAO), young coconut water can be used as a tonic for a natural energy. This is because coconut milk is rich in potassium (potash), sugars, and proteins. Naturally, young coconut water has a mineral composition and sugar is perfect, so similar to human body fluids.
In contrast to isotonic beverages in packaging, which is dangerous if taken carelessly, coconut water is relatively safe for consumption.
Therefore, if you do a lot of activities that deplete the sweat, drink young coconut water just enough to replace lost body fluids. However, please note that once opened and removed from its shell, coconut water is easy to experience a taste change material, and a decrease in nutritional value.
In order properties of coconut water was not lost, better to drink fresh coconut water from a newly when opened shell. Drink without any mixture, like syrup. Just add ice cubes and a bit of sugar to feel more freshness.
In contrast to isotonic beverages in packaging, which is dangerous if taken carelessly, coconut water is relatively safe for consumption.
Therefore, if you do a lot of activities that deplete the sweat, drink young coconut water just enough to replace lost body fluids. However, please note that once opened and removed from its shell, coconut water is easy to experience a taste change material, and a decrease in nutritional value.
In order properties of coconut water was not lost, better to drink fresh coconut water from a newly when opened shell. Drink without any mixture, like syrup. Just add ice cubes and a bit of sugar to feel more freshness.
Coconut Water Lower Blood Pressure
Coconut Water lower blood pressure - Coconut water is one of the favorite drinks for break the fasting. The fresh effect that appear from coconut water, because coconut water contain natural electrolyte that really good for change the body fluid that gone.
In the website of 'WebMD' is mentioned, coconut water consists of water (94 percent) and low in calories. Coconut water is also a source of B vitamins, potassium, enzymes and amino acids and has the effect of antioxidants in the body.
Scientific research about the benefits of coconut water is still limited, but one of them says, blood pressure, "high blood pressure patients" who regularly consume coconut water dropped to 71 percent.
"Compared with" isotonic "or energy drinks, coconut water is richer in potassium than sodium. As is known, sodium should be limited because it can cause hypertension," said Dr. Helmin Agustina Silalahi, Kalbe Farma, a medical adviser, in a press conference Hydro Culinary Ramadan in Jakarta, Friday (8/5/2011).
Calium, and potassium known to be beneficial to heart health. Therefore, experts say, pure coconut water to drink without sugar can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
"The World Food Organization (FAO) has stated, coconut water as a natural energy drink. The content of fructose and glucose can also make the body re-energized after a day of fasting, without worrying about blood sugar rises," said Helmin.
In the website of 'WebMD' is mentioned, coconut water consists of water (94 percent) and low in calories. Coconut water is also a source of B vitamins, potassium, enzymes and amino acids and has the effect of antioxidants in the body.
Scientific research about the benefits of coconut water is still limited, but one of them says, blood pressure, "high blood pressure patients" who regularly consume coconut water dropped to 71 percent.
"Compared with" isotonic "or energy drinks, coconut water is richer in potassium than sodium. As is known, sodium should be limited because it can cause hypertension," said Dr. Helmin Agustina Silalahi, Kalbe Farma, a medical adviser, in a press conference Hydro Culinary Ramadan in Jakarta, Friday (8/5/2011).
Calium, and potassium known to be beneficial to heart health. Therefore, experts say, pure coconut water to drink without sugar can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
"The World Food Organization (FAO) has stated, coconut water as a natural energy drink. The content of fructose and glucose can also make the body re-energized after a day of fasting, without worrying about blood sugar rises," said Helmin.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Grapes, Skin Protector from UV Rays
Wine, Skin Protector from UV Rays - Probably not many of us who know in depth the benefits of grapes. Besides the sweet taste, the fruit is known for containing many polyphenolic compounds and resveratol are active in a variety of body metabolism.
However, recently researchers at the University of Barcelona and the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) found one more benefit of the grapes. They claim, certain compounds present in wine may protect the skin from radiation exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays.
The study found that the substances contained in wine can reduce the level of cell damage on the skin from sun radiation can cause skin cancer. As is known, exposed to UV rays will turn the skin or reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause oxidation of macromolecules on DNA and lipids. So, will ultimately enable the reaction of certain enzymes that cause cell death.
The researchers observed that certain polyphenolic substances, extracted from grapes, may inhibit the formation of ROS epidermal cells that have been exposed to long wave (UVA) and medium wave (UVB). Based on these studies, investigators eventually concluded that the polyphenol compounds can help protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
According to researchers, a number of skin care cosmetic products already make use of wine as a base material of manufacture, but they do not fully understand how processing. The researchers hope these findings will continue to be developed so the future efficacy of the grapes can be more utilized.
The study found that the substances contained in wine can reduce the level of cell damage on the skin from sun radiation can cause skin cancer. As is known, exposed to UV rays will turn the skin or reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause oxidation of macromolecules on DNA and lipids. So, will ultimately enable the reaction of certain enzymes that cause cell death.
The researchers observed that certain polyphenolic substances, extracted from grapes, may inhibit the formation of ROS epidermal cells that have been exposed to long wave (UVA) and medium wave (UVB). Based on these studies, investigators eventually concluded that the polyphenol compounds can help protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
According to researchers, a number of skin care cosmetic products already make use of wine as a base material of manufacture, but they do not fully understand how processing. The researchers hope these findings will continue to be developed so the future efficacy of the grapes can be more utilized.
Better care than at home?
The other day I was able to visit an Old age home and was amazed at the care the inmates are getting.
It is a small venture run by a young widow, a trained nurse. She runs the institution in a small rented house.
She started by taking care of an old woman who was abandoned in the Hospital where she was working. She took the old lady to her house to take care. Soon the inmates began to increase.
Many were orphaned old women roaming around the streets, finally ending up in hospital wards. Some were abandoned by the family. Most of these women are in their 70s or 80s. They come from all parts of Kerala. They belong to many religions. Some are mentally not all right. Most of them are suffering from physical ailments. But it seemed all of them were happy living there.
Whenever I see old people as patients, I feel dissatisfied with the level of care they are getting in their homes. Medicines are never given as prescribed and doctor appointments are often delayed and missed. When the family is tight financially the old people's medicines are not bought for few days to weeks. Now this does not happen everywhere but in a large number of homes.
The inmates were so happy to get such a level of care that they were not coming out to me with any physical complaint, though most of them were very ill.
Spending your last years in your house with the family taking good care of you is the best option any one can have. These women were not fortunate enough to get that. But they are lucky enough to have very good care and love during their final years, something many old people do not get even from their homes.
It is a small venture run by a young widow, a trained nurse. She runs the institution in a small rented house.
She started by taking care of an old woman who was abandoned in the Hospital where she was working. She took the old lady to her house to take care. Soon the inmates began to increase.
Many were orphaned old women roaming around the streets, finally ending up in hospital wards. Some were abandoned by the family. Most of these women are in their 70s or 80s. They come from all parts of Kerala. They belong to many religions. Some are mentally not all right. Most of them are suffering from physical ailments. But it seemed all of them were happy living there.
Whenever I see old people as patients, I feel dissatisfied with the level of care they are getting in their homes. Medicines are never given as prescribed and doctor appointments are often delayed and missed. When the family is tight financially the old people's medicines are not bought for few days to weeks. Now this does not happen everywhere but in a large number of homes.
But I was happily surprised at the level of care given at this old age home. Though the inmates were only around 12 the nurse knew each and every detail of their ailments and medicines they were taking. They were given food and medicines in time. Their personal hygiene were well looked after. Whenever a doctor consultation is needed she will call me or someone else she know. She ensures doctor visits and sees the inmates at least once in 2 months.
The inmates were so happy to get such a level of care that they were not coming out to me with any physical complaint, though most of them were very ill.
Spending your last years in your house with the family taking good care of you is the best option any one can have. These women were not fortunate enough to get that. But they are lucky enough to have very good care and love during their final years, something many old people do not get even from their homes.
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